Emory surgeons pilot intuitive 3D modeling tool to improve lung cancer surgery experience
Emory leads the way nationally with robotic surgery: 90% of thoracic surgeries are performed using minimally invasive techniques, which results in less pain, shorter hospital stays and quicker overall recovery for patients. Since November, Emory surgeons have been piloting new software that creates a three-dimensional digital image of a patient's lungs. Having access to a 3D model makes removing hard-to-reach cancerous cells more efficient and precise. Think of it as the first time a cartographer added
Beyond Super Mario: How a New VR Gaming Program Helps Athletes Train, Reduce Their Injury Risk
Super Mario. Minecraft. Madden NFL. Fortnite. For 50 years, video games like these have kept teens mesmerized and—all too often—on the couch. That's changing thanks to a new program from the Emory University Department of Orthopaedics called GIVES (Georgia Initiative for Virtual Reality in Education and Sports). GIVES takes VR technology into local schools, providing young athletes with training and assessment tools like the pros. These athletes are having fun while also improving their sports performance