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4 Money Resolutions Now—That Could Help for Years

A new year brings a fresh start and the opportunity to make meaningful changes—big or small—that can impact our lives not just for the year ahead, but for the long term. One common tradition is making New Year’s resolutions: commitments to somehow change our behaviors or habits, whether for the year to come or an indefinite period.

Managing money is an essential activity that, for some, is enjoyable but a chore for others. Certain individuals may want to automate common financial actions such as contributions to retirement and investment accounts or withdrawals from savings or checking accounts; they may also be able to leave some of their decisions to a financial or investment advisor. A “set-it-and-forget-it” passive approach to money activities and accounts is perfectly valid, but other people have a more active, “hands-on” style for taking care of their personal business. Click here for more