The Tasting Experience benefits Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services of Jewish Family & Career Services
Date and Time
Thursday May 1, 2025
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Date & Time: May 1 | 7:00 PM EDT
The Stave Room
199 Armour Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
Event Ticket: $150.00
Partner Sponsor: $360.00
Friend Sponsor: $500.00
Contact Information
Allison Holmes, Senior Manager of Events & Special Projects
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The Tasting Experience benefits the Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services of JF&CS. We provide supportive programming to adults with disabilities so they may live fulfilling lives as independently as possible, while supporting their families and caregivers. These programs include the nonsectarian Zimmerman-Horowitz Independent Living Program, the Community Access Group, a community integration day program with numerous outings and activities each week, and Supported Employment, a program helping those who want to work, gain the skills they need to get and keep a job while receiving on-going support to ensure long-term success.
Guests will enjoy delicious tastings from some of Atlanta's best restaurants and caterers; spirits, wine and beer from local distributors; and a silent auction while supporting extraordinary programs and clients.